Gina Hamblin Obituary, James Hamblin Mom Has Died

Posted by Lourie Helzer on Sunday, June 2, 2024

Gina Hamblin Obituary , Death – Both Gina and her sister HAMBLIN are HAMBLINs. Gina Hamblin (Simon), who passed away on September 6, 2017, at the age of 52, was a loving wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend to her many friends and family members. Her spouse, Robert Simon, passed away before her. She followed him in death. This wonderful person is someone who will be greatly missed by all of us here, and it is with a sad heart and a great deal of affection that we say our final farewell.

No one, not even her husband Tim, their children James and Paulina, or anybody else will ever forget her. She will always be remembered. Neither will anyone else overlook her or forget about her. Her mother, Hannalore Simon, her brother John Simon, his wife Corinne, and their children Andrew, Matthew, and Kate, together with Gina’s sister Linda Maitland and her husband Rob, will always remember her daughter.

Her sister Linda Maitland and her husband Rob have good memories of Gina, and they share those memories with one another. Before she was even born, her grandfather on her father’s side, Heinz Simon, had already passed away. On Tuesday, September 26, 2017, at one o’clock in the afternoon, there will be a Memorial Service conducted for Gina at Trinity Lutheran Church.

The service will be held in her honor. The location of the church is at 10014 81st Avenue Northwest. Ingrid Dorschel will serve as the presiding officiant for the funeral service. The time has come to determine whether or not the cremation process is complete.

